Big Bang Final

Well done to our Year 7 students who attended the Yorkshire and Humber Big Bang event final at Doncaster Race course. The project is about promoting recycling, particularly with plastic being in the media currently and the damage it is doing to marine life etc. Students were given a brief to design a new recycle bin for plastic, or a reusable product made entirely of plastic.
They had to create a design and submit a video to the judges explaining their design and why they had picked their design etc, the judges selected teams for the final from these videos. For the final, students created a fully functional product, drawing labelled diagrams for each stage of the process. Although they didn't win, everyone had a brilliant day. The finalists were Kian Nutbrown, Tyler Hoodlass and Maddison Edmond and Kian Nutbrown got a special mention by the judges for being an excellent communicator which is very admirable.