Children in Need
Students and staff supported Children in Need today, dressing in House coloured clothing for a donation.
There were various fund-raising activities during the day, including a bake sale at break-time with sixth form students dressed in onesies and pyjamas, ‘spot’ challenges over lunch-time which included pin the patch on Pudsey, name the bear and guess the number of sweets in the jar whilst outside there was netball/basketball shooting and football keepy-uppy. After school the sports hall filled with students who had paid to watch the staff v staff netball and basketball challenge. With more money still coming in, at the end of the day the running total was £1771.09. Well done everyone! Update - Thanks to the last bits of money coming in since Friday, (the majority from the sixth form, who each paid 50p to wear their onesies or £1 to not wear their onesies!!), the total for Children in Need now stands at £2038.92. Amazing effort, well done everyone!