Deep Learning Day
Our first Deep Learning Day of the year took place today and it has been packed with activities. Year 7 Democracy Day culminated in the election of year group House representatives after a day of democratic activities, competitions, campaigns, hustings and voting. Year 8 students reflected on aspects of British life, British citizenship and issues facing Britain in 2017. This included one of our sixth form students talking to Year 8 about her experiences of 'Life as a British Muslim' as well as a practical cookery lesson cooking a traditional British dish. Year 9 students had the ever popular Prison Me No Way staff deliver a wide range of workshops. Year 10 spent time focusing on Personal Finance. Year 11 took part in mock interviews with a large number of external providers, who gave their time freely to give students an insight into what will be expected of them as they approach both work and higher education. Sixth form students were involved either in a visit to Leeds University for Year 12, or UCAS forms for Year 13. We'd like to thank everyone who came into Wolfreton to provide such an interesting and interactive day.