Roy Cooke
It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Roy Cooke, who died on Wednesday 15 March. Roy was Headteacher at Wolfreton from January 1997 until his retirement in August 2007, after 39 years in teaching.
Staff at Wolfreton remember former Headteacher Roy Cooke’s many achievements during his time at the school. He established the school’s link with Rushanje School in Uganda (which over many years saw staff and students on exchange visits between the two countries), secured funding for the improvement of the school’s science facilities, on both our Upper and Lower school sites, led the school into Good Ofsted judgements, secured Language College status and initiated the strategic plans for a single site school. Roy was instrumental in starting the Investors in People Award scheme in 1997 and building on this framework the school has maintained this award since then. He was always forwarding thinking in terms of curriculum development, introducing vocational qualifications, and he also undertook the additional responsibility of taking a supportive leadership role at Bridge View. His achievements were wide ranging and showed him to be a forward-thinking strategic leader. He was highly respected by students and staff alike throughout his time at Wolfreton and we send our condolences to his family.