GCSE celebrations

Congratulations to our students who are celebrating GCSE success this morning. Headteacher Susanne Kukuc said ‘At Wolfreton we are delighted to be celebrating together once again. As a school we have seen some excellent results both individually and for department teams. Following a time of significant change and uncertainty nationally, we are incredibly proud of what has been achieved by our students and staff who have worked so hard and so well together to achieve these successes. The school has seen improvements in many measures and students have been celebrating too, achieving the top grades and also important personal milestones. We are incredibly proud of everyone.'
Amongst the many individual highlights was Emily Dean who achieved an amazing seven grade 9s, three grade 8s and an A in Further Maths. She said ‘My teachers have all been really supportive, especially throughout Year 11 and they’ve always been willing to answer my questions. In the sixth form I am going to study Biology, Chemistry and either History or Geography. The science subjects will help me when applying for a medical course and I have always enjoyed Geography as a humanities subject, particularly the human element.’ Ollie Parr also has his sights on medicine as a long term career goal, celebrating his achievement of four grade 9s, five grade 8s, and two B/6 grades. He said ‘I am going to study Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Geography in the sixth form. I chose Wolfreton as I got good grades, the teaching is good and everyone knows everyone.’